Saturday 12 April 2014

"Pokok Ketapang"

Pokok Ketapang or Terminalia is a large tropical tree in the Leadwood tree family, Combretaceae. It can grow over 30 meters in height, has a strong sturdy trunk, provide a good shady spread and has very strong roots. Its fruits taste like almonds, thus names like Bengal almonds, Singopre almonds, Malabar almonds, Singapore almonds, Malabar almonds and many others has been used to descript it. Pokok Ketapang can be found in a broad belt extending from Africa to northern Australia and New Guinea through Southeast Asia and Micronesia into the Indian Subcontinent. Likewise, many of our forefathers from China travelled along the same route and settled down at these locations in search of a new life. Like the Pokok Ketapang, they were hardy people, enduring hardship just to ensure the survival and well being of their descendants.

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