Friday 25 April 2014

Traditional tools to grinding spices

When I was a child, it always fascinated me to watch our ma standing at kitchen readily ground wet spices.
In the old days methods of grinding spices are different. Before electric blenders, the spices were painstakingly grounded manually.
Used batu giling to grinding chili
Batu giling - Grinding Stone

Mostly every baba nyonya house had their own pestle and mortar made of undressed granite called "batu lesung". This was used for grinding small quantities of spices such as shallot, onion, ginger and chili paste.
Batu lesung - Raw Granite Pestle and Mortar
For bigger amount, they used "batu giling" - something similar to a fat rolling pin made of raw granite and rolled over a thick flat granite slab (think how much workout you get from daily usage of that!).

Batu boh - Granite Grinder

Batu boh - a stone mill was also used during our ah ma times. However, this was mainly used for turning rice grain into rice powder. Every time have event, celebration or occasions, our ah ma will use it to make kuih. These are considered primitive tools because they have been used since the Stone Age! Needless to say, it is very rare nowadays to see such a spectacle.

However, old people still swear by traditional methods. It is said spices grounded manually taste so much better than those processed by electricity. They also say, after using the mortar, rinse once and do not throw away the water used, instead throw it in the pot for a tastier meal! 

Saturday 19 April 2014

Place Must Visit in Melaka - Jonker Street

Do you know what is the special and the place you must visit in Malacca??
You will never to experience the life in Malacca if you never visit the EYES of Malacca, JONKER STREET!!! I believe you will love it once you have visited this place.
JONKER STREET is always full of crowd during Saturday and Sunday night especially public holiday, regardless the weather condition. Why is that so special? patient and read through the below.
There are a lot of shops selling antiques, foods, souvenirs and local products which you may not able to buy or find in your countries or states.
Here are some recommended places for you:-

The famous shop, 'San Shu Gong' is selling various of local products. You may buy it for your own or as a souvenir to your friends or relatives. When you step into this shop, remember to try the famous Durian Cendol which can helps you to ease your thirst during the sunny day. It is very tasty and you will be addicted to it with the finest ice and the thick Gula Malacca. It is worth to try it with the reasonable price.

You may wondering why the picture above shows a long queue in front of a shop? Yes!! This is the SUPER famous chicken rice shop in JONKER STREET named 'CHONG WAH' Coffee Shop. Perhaps, you may feel SUPERB after you try it. It is situated next to the 'San Shu Gong'. Their handmade chicken rice ball and the juicy chicken slices make a satisfied meal for you. Nevertheless, the taste of the chicken price has been proven with the queue!! You will not regret once you have tried. The shop is only open during lunch time. If you are eager to try it, you must be there as early as possible to avoid long waiting.

A lot of tourists will not let go the chance of having a bowl of Baba or Nyonya Laksa in JONKER 88. Have you ever try the laksa with tuna? It is so special that makes me introduce it to whoever visit to Malacca. The taste is not very spicy but just nice. As the Gula Malacca is the main source in Malacca, they are also selling Baba Cendol or Ice Kacang as desserts. Further to that, this is the suitable place for the photograph shooting lover because there are a lot of antiques and traditional decorations.

What is the place for people to hanging around in JONKER STREET at night? There are a lot of bistro nowadays such as Library and Overtime. But, you can ONLY find GEOGRAPHER with the conducive environment here. The live band may let you experience the peaceful mind and forget the tiring of the day. Their live band songs especially the oldisc may bring you with the feeling of nostalgia.You can imagine how relax you are while chatting and enjoying the drinks and songs here!!

Sunday 13 April 2014

Our Families Favorites Dish - Ma's Recipe

                               Ikan Goreng Cili Garam (Nyonya-style Fried Fish with Chili Paste)

This is our families most favorites dish called Ikan Goreng Cili Garam. Any types of fishes also can be use but mostly our ma will choose Ikan Parang (Wolf Herring), it's the best combination to bring out the best of taste and fragrance from the spices. The ingredients for the paste are extremely uncomplicated - only shallots, chilies and salt. really yummy !!

Saturday 12 April 2014

Ah Ma's Pantun

Api api sepanjang pantai, 
Nibung terlentang di Tanjung Tuju, 
Niat di hati jikalau sampai, 
Apa mantek tentu tertumbuh.

It translates to:
Lights flickering along the beach,
Huts on stilts on the Cape of Seven,
Full of passion I am when I reach it,
My dreams and Happy Destiny await me.

"Pokok Ketapang"

Pokok Ketapang or Terminalia is a large tropical tree in the Leadwood tree family, Combretaceae. It can grow over 30 meters in height, has a strong sturdy trunk, provide a good shady spread and has very strong roots. Its fruits taste like almonds, thus names like Bengal almonds, Singopre almonds, Malabar almonds, Singapore almonds, Malabar almonds and many others has been used to descript it. Pokok Ketapang can be found in a broad belt extending from Africa to northern Australia and New Guinea through Southeast Asia and Micronesia into the Indian Subcontinent. Likewise, many of our forefathers from China travelled along the same route and settled down at these locations in search of a new life. Like the Pokok Ketapang, they were hardy people, enduring hardship just to ensure the survival and well being of their descendants.